
Google Scholar profile

Publications (underline indicates work done by MS, PhD, or Post-doc in the Baiser lab):

  1. Moreno‐García, P., Freeman, J.E., Baiser, B., Campell, J.W., Li, D. (in review) Competition-driven pollinator trophic specialization in longleaf pine savannas. Ecology and Evolution.
  2. McGrew, A., Freedman, Z.B. & Baiser, B. (in review). Top-down processes drive taxonomic and phylogenetic diversity in a model aquatic microbial community. Ecology.
  3. Potgieter, L. J., Li, D., Baiser, B., Kühn, I., Aronson, M. F., Carboni, M., … & Cadotte, M. W. (2024). Cities Shape the Diversity and Spread of Nonnative Species. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics55.
  4. Schnieder, O.P., Crandall, R.M. & Baiser, B. (2024). The large-scale restoration of fire and water regimes in Everglades National Park reveal little change in plant diversity along an elevational gradient. Restoration Ecology.
  5. Siders, Z. A., Trotta, L. B., Patrone, W., Caltabellotta, F. P., Loesser, K. B., & Baiser, B. (2024). Predicting time‐at‐depth weighted biodiversity patterns for sharks of the North Pacific. Ecography, e07249.
  6. Hu, J. Baiser, B., James, R.T. & Reddy, K.R. (2024) An Analysis of Long-Term Everglades Stormwater Treatment Areas Performance Using Structural Equation Models. Ecological Engineering.
  7. Moreno‐García, P., Freeman, J.E., Campell, J.W., Broadbent, E.N., Almeyda Zambrano, A.M., Prada, G., de Almeida, D.R.A., Gilb, S & Baiser, B. (2023) Plant-mediated effects of fire and fragmentation drive plant-pollinator interaction β-diversity in fire-dependent pine savannas. Oikos
  8. Matthews, T.J, Wayman, J.P., Whittaker, R.J.,… Baiser. B.,…, Triantis, K.A. & Rigal, F. (2023). A global analysis of avian island diversity–area relationships. Ecology Letters, 26:965–982
  9. Montaño-Centellas, F. A., Baiser, B., McGrew, A., Trotta, L.B. & Li, D. (2023). Global patterns and drivers of raptor phylogenetic and functional diversity. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 32 (2), 281-294.
  10. Siders, Z. A., Caltabellotta, F. P., Loesser, K. B., Trotta, L. B. & Baiser, B. (2023). Using pictographs as traits to explore morphological diversity in sharks. Ecology and Evolution, 13, e9761.
  11. Cauvin, A.R., Wisely, S.M., Baiser, B., Peters, R.M., Sayler, K.A., Orange, J.P., Blackburn, K.K., & Stacy, N.I. (2023)Blood analytes of clinically normal and diseased neonatal and weaned farmed white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus)fawns, Veterinary Quarterly DOI: 10.1080/01652176.2023.2249072
  12. Liang, M., Baiser, B., Hallett, L. M., Hautier, Y., Jiang, L., Loreau, M., … & Wang, S. (2022). Consistent stabilizing effects of plant diversity across spatial scales and climatic gradients. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 1-7.
  13. 49. Siders, Z. A., Trotta, L. B., Caltabellotta, F. P., Loesser, K. B., Baiser, B. & Ahrens, R. N. (2022). Functional and phylogenetic diversity of sharks in the Northeastern Pacific. Journal of Biogeography, 49, 1313– 1326.
  14. 48. Li, D., Stucky, B. J., Baiser, B., & Guralnick, R. (2022). Urbanization delays plant leaf senescence and extends growing season length in cold but not in warm areas of the Northern Hemisphere. Global Ecology and Biogeography31(2), 308-320.
  15. Valle, N., Antonenko, P., Valle, D., Dawson, K., Huggins-Manley, A. C., & Baiser, B. (2021). The influence of task-value scaffolding in a predictive learning analytics dashboard on learners’ statistics anxiety, motivation, and performance. Computers & Education173, 104288.
  16. Normand, A. E., Turner, B. L., Lamit, L. J., Smith, A. N., Baiser, B., Clark, M. W., … & Reddy, K. R. (2021). Organic matter chemistry drives carbon dioxide production of peatlands. Geophysical Research Letters48(18), e2021GL093392.
  17. Bittleston, L. S., Freedman, Z. B., Bernardin, J. R., Grothjan, J. J., Young, E. B., Record, S., Baiser, B. & Gray, S. M. (2021). Exploring microbiome functional dynamics through space and time with trait-based theory. Msystems6(4), e00530-21.
  18. Guy, T. J., Hutchinson, M. C., Baldock, K. C., Kayser, E., Baiser, B., Staniczenko, P. P., … & Palmer, T. M. (2021). Large herbivores transform plant-pollinator networks in an African savanna. Current Biology, 31(13), 2964-2971.
  19. Trotta, L. B., Siders, Z. A., Sessa, E. B., & Baiser, B. (2021). The role of phylogenetic scale in Darwin’s naturalization conundrum in the critically imperilled pine rockland ecosystem. Diversity and Distributions27(4), 618-631.
  20. Valle, N., Antonenko, P., Valle, D., Sommer, M., Huggins-Manley, A. C., Dawson, K., Kim, D., & Baiser, B. (2021). Predict or describe? How learning analytics dashboard design influences motivation and statistics anxiety in an online statistics course. Educational Technology Research and Development, 69(3), 1405-1431.
  21. Moreno‐García, P., & Baiser, B. (2021). Assessing functional redundancy in Eurasian small mammal assemblages across multiple traits and biogeographic extents. Ecography 44(2), 320-333.
  22. Bustamante, T., Baiser, B., & Ellis, J. D. (2020). Determining if wing geometry can be used to discriminate between the South African honeybee subspecies Apis mellifera scutellata and Apis mellifera capensis. Apidologie, 51(1), 123-136.
  23. Potash, A. D., Greene, D. U., Mathis, V. L., Baiser, B., Conner, L. M., & McCleery, R. A. (2020). Ecological drivers of eastern fox squirrel pelage polymorphism. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution8, 119.
  24. Li, D., Olden, J. D., Lockwood, J. L., Record, S., McKinney, M. L., & Baiser, B. (2020). Changes in taxonomic and phylogenetic diversity in the Anthropocene. Proceedings of the Royal Society B287(1929), 20200777.
  25. Li, D., Stucky, B. J., Deck, J., Baiser, B., & Guralnick, R. P. (2019). The effect of urbanization on plant phenology depends on regional temperature. Nature Ecology & Evolution3(12), 1661-1667.
  26. Li, D., Trotta, L., Marx, H. E., Allen, J. M., Sun, M., Soltis, D. E., & Baiser, B. (2019). For common community phylogenetic analyses, go ahead and use synthesis phylogenies. Ecology, e02788.
  27. Baiser, B. et al. (2019). Ecogeographic rules and the macroecology of food webs. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 28(9), 1204-1218
  28. Gravel, D., Baiser, B., Dunne, J. A., Kopelke, J. P., Martinez, N. D., Nyman, T., & Roslin, T. (2019). Bringing Elton and Grinnell together: a quantitative framework to represent the biogeography of ecological interaction networks. Ecography42(3), 401-415.
  29. Bovendorp, R. S., Brum, F. T., McCleery, R. A., Baiser, B., Loyola, R., Cianciaruso, M. V., & Galetti, M. (2019). Defaunation and fragmentation erode small mammal diversity dimensions in tropical forests. Ecography42(1), 23-35.
  30. Baiser, B., & Li, D. (2018). Comparing species–area relationships of native and exotic species. Biological Invasions20(12), 3647-3658.
  31. Grady, J. M., Read, Q. D., Record, S, Zarnetske, P. L., Baiser, B., Thorne, K., & Belmaker, J. (2018). Size, Niches, and the Latitudinal Diversity Gradient. Teaching Issues and Experiments in Ecology, Vol. 14: Figure Set #1
  32. Li, D., Poisot, T., Waller, D. M., & Baiser, B. (2018). Homogenization of species composition and species association networks are decoupled. Global Ecology and Biogeography27(12), 1481-1491.
  33. Epstein, J. M., Pine III, W. E., Romagosa, C. M., Scott, M. C., Phillips, C. T., Marion, C. A., & Baiser, B. (2018). State‐and Regional‐Scale Patterns and Drivers of Freshwater Fish Functional Diversity in the Southeastern USA. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society147(6), 1179-1198.
  34. Trotta, L. B., Baiser, B., Possley, J., Li, D., Lange, J., Martin, S., & Sessa, E. B. (2018). Community phylogeny of the globally critically imperiled pine rockland ecosystem. American journal of botany105(10), 1735-1747.
  35. McCleery, R., Monadjem, A., Baiser, B., Fletcher Jr, R., Vickers, K., & Kruger, L. (2018). Animal diversity declines with broad-scale homogenization of canopy cover in African savannas. Biological conservation226, 54-62.
  36. Read, Q. D., Grady, J. M., Zarnetske, P. L., Record, S., Baiser, B., Belmaker, J., & Thibault, K. M. (2018). Among‐species overlap in rodent body size distributions predicts species richness along a temperature gradient. Ecography41(10), 1718-1727.
  37. Lau, M. K., Baiser, B., Northrop, A., Gotelli, N. J., & Ellison, A. M. (2018). Regime shifts and hysteresis in the pitcher-plant microecosystem. Ecological Modelling382, 1-8.
  38. Li, D., Monahan, W. B., & Baiser, B. (2018). Species richness and phylogenetic diversity of native and non‐native species respond differently to area and environmental factors. Diversity and Distributions24(6), 853-864.
  39. Sessa, E. B., Chambers, S. M., Li, D., Trotta, L., Endara, L., Burleigh, J. G., & Baiser, B. (2018). Community assembly of the ferns of Florida. American journal of botany105(3), 549-564.
  40. Record, S., McCabe, T., Baiser, B., & Ellison, A. M. (2018). Identifying foundation species in North American forests using long‐term data on ant assemblage structure. Ecosphere9(3).
  41. Baiser, B., Valle, D., Zelazny, Z., & Burleigh, J. G. (2018). Non‐random patterns of invasion and extinction reduce phylogenetic diversity in island bird assemblages. Ecography41(2), 361-374.
  42. Read, Q. D., Baiser, B., Grady, J. M., Zarnetske, P. L., Record, S., & Belmaker, J. (2018). Tropical bird species have less variable body sizes. Biology letters14(1), 20170453.
  43. Lau, M. K., Borrett, S. R., Baiser, B., Gotelli, N. J., & Ellison, A. M. (2017). Ecological network metrics: opportunities for synthesis. Ecosphere8(8), e01900.
  44. Elhesha, R., Kahveci, T., & Baiser, B. (2017). Motif centrality in food web networks. Journal of Complex Networks5(4), 641-664.
  45. Zarnetske, P. L., Baiser, B., Strecker, A., Record, S., Belmaker, J., & Tuanmu, M. N. (2017). The interplay between landscape structure and biotic interactions. Current Landscape Ecology Reports2(1), 12-29.
  46. Baiser, B., Elhesha, R. and Kahveci, T. (2016). Motifs in the assembly of food web networks. Oikos125(4), 480-491.
  47. Poisot, T., Gravel, D., Leroux, S., Wood, S. A., Fortin, M.-J., Baiser, B., Cirtwill, A. R., Araújo, M. B. and Stouffer, D. B. (2016). Synthetic datasets and community tools for the rapid testing of ecological hypotheses. Ecography39(4), 402-408.
  48. Poisot, T., Baiser, B., Dunne, J. A., Kéfi, S., Massol, F., Mouquet, N., Romanuk, T. N., Stouffer, D. B., Wood, S. A. and Gravel, D. (2016). mangal – making ecological network analysis simple. Ecography39(4) 384-390.
  49. Valle, D., Baiser, B., Woodall, C. W., & Chazdon, R. (2014). Decomposing biodiversity data using the Latent Dirichlet Allocation model, a probabilistic multivariate statistical method.Ecology letters,17(12), 1591-1601.
  50. Baiser, B., Whitaker, N., & Ellison, A. M. (2013). Modeling foundation species in food webs.Ecosphere,4(12), 1-14.
  51. Sirota, J.&, Baiser, B., Gotelli, N. J., & Ellison, A. M. (2013). Organic-matter loading determines regime shifts and alternative states in an aquatic ecosystem.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,110(19), 7742-7747.
  52. Baiser, B., Buckley, H. L., Gotelli, N. J., & Ellison, A. M. (2013). Predicting food‐web structure with metacommunity models.Oikos122(4), 492-50
  53. Baiser, B., Olden, J. D., Record, S., Lockwood, J. L., & McKinney, M. L. (2012). Pattern and process of biotic homogenization in the New Pangaea. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences, 279(1748), 4772-4777.
  54. Baiser, B., Gotelli, N. J., Buckley, H. L., Miller, T. E., & Ellison, A. M. (2012). Geographic variation in network structure of a nearctic aquatic food web.Global Ecology and Biogeography,21(5), 579-591.
  55. Sackett, T. E., Record, S., Bewick, S., Baiser, B., Sanders, N. J., & Ellison, A. M. (2011). Response of macroarthropod assemblages to the loss of hemlock (Tsuga canadensis), a foundation species.Ecosphere,2(7), 1-16.
  56. Baiser, B., Ardeshiri, R. S., & Ellison, A. M. (2011). Species richness and trophic diversity increase decomposition in a co-evolved food web.PLoS One,6(5), e20672.
  57. Boulton, R. L., Baiser, B., Davis, M. J., Virzi, T., & Lockwood, J. L. (2011). Variation in laying date and clutch size: the Everglades environment and the endangered Cape Sable seaside sparrow (Ammodramus maritimus mirabilis). The Auk,128(2), 374-381.
  58. Baiser, B., & Lockwood, J. L. (2011). The relationship between functional and taxonomic homogenization.Global Ecology and Biogeography,20(1), 134-144.
  59. Baiser, B., Russell, G. J., & Lockwood, J. L. (2010). Connectance determines invasion success via trophic interactions in model food webs. Oikos,119(12), 1970-1976.
  60. Baiser, B., Lockwood, J. L., La Puma, D., & Aronson, M. F. (2008). A perfect storm: two ecosystem engineers interact to degrade deciduous forests of New Jersey.Biological Invasions,10(6), 785-795.
  61. Baiser, B., Boulton, R. L., & Lockwood, J. L. (2008). Influence of water depth on nest success of the endangered Cape Sable seaside sparrow in the Florida Everglades.Animal Conservation,11(3), 190-197.